Provision of Power Protection Products and Services to Multi-Site Government Vocational Education & Training Institute
Company Profile
The client organisation is the premier provider of Vocational Education and Training (VET) in the sunshine coast region. It has established itself as a regional, national and international market leader in the provision of education and training to industries, individuals and communities. With an extensive outreach network, they are delivering programs on campus, in the workplace, and in many cases, throughout the state.
Business Situation
As an example to its students and business partners in the region, the client organisation is ensuring that it practices what it preaches by embracing business enabling technologies. These technologies need to be simple to use, environmentally sound, and must contribute to an overall reduction in operational costs across all its campuses. One such initiative has been the adoption Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP). In adopting VoIP, the client organisation has been able to utilize existing infrastructure to provide its staff and students telephony services at a substantially reduced cost to their standing public switched telephone network facility. One challenge the client organisation ICT Operations department faces with moving this critical IT Service to a new platform utilizing its own infrastructure, however, is service availability. Stable and consistent power supply to its infrastructure becomes critical to ensuring telephony service stability, and consequently, business continuity.
Technical Situation
An audit of the client organisation has revealed that telephony service stability is potentially compromised. There appears to be no managed or consistently applied power protection strategy/solution in place across its infrastructure. The audit has revealed that some critical infrastructure has solutions in place that are old and well past recommended life-end (these may not even work in the event of a power interruption), some infrastructure has an insufficient protection solution in place that will not meet the prescribed ‘up-time’ business requirement, and some critical infrastructure has no power protection solution applied at all. In addition, the client organisation has no emergency generator facility at any of its sites. These set of circumstances would represent a significant risk to any business, particularly in a region known for volatility in the continuity of mains power supply.
QPP has presented its Power Protection Managed Services offering to the client organisation as a simple cost effective risk management strategy designed to mitigate an existing threat to the stability of a critical IT service (in this case – telephony). The solution is three pronged. 1. Review the existing power protection capability currently on site for suitability to defined business requirements, highlight areas where there may be deficiencies, or where there may be solutions in place that have been over specified, and ascertain and document age and recommended end-of-life for all existing equipment. 2. Recommend a balanced application of power protection solutions to meet defined business requirements utilizing new and/or re allocated equipment, and implement. 3. Design an equipment lifecycle management plan and maintenance regime as per defined business requirements, and implement.
QPP has utilized its considerable expertise in Power Protection products and services to recommend and implement right-sized solutions, whilst leveraging its buying capability to deliver right-priced equipment, overlaid with a simple and pragmatic maintenance regimen to significantly reduce the probability of IT Service interruptions and business surprises.
The incidence of service interruptions to the client organisation VoIP Systems has been reduced impressively since QPP introduced its Power Protection Managed Services. QPP has been able to offer localized support and substantially improved speed of service, especially given it has a business center on the Sunshine Coast. QPP has been able to offer pricing that has represented a 15% - 20% reduction unit pricing across the range of power protection products supplied to the client organisation.